Audio Embed
An embed for an audio version of a single sermon onto a webpage using HTML.
Video Embed
An embed for a video version of a single sermon onto a webpage using HTML.
Webcast Embed
An embedded widget for hosting webcasts by a given broadcaster or for indicating whether or not a webcast is live.
Sermon Browser Embed
An embed that allows users to browse sermons by a given broadcaster.
Default Browser Options
*This option auto-calculates the height of the embed based on the number of sermons per page.In order to prevent scrolling, this option will add extra space to the bottom of the embed to accommodate an open sermon player. To remove this space, select the “Remove Inline Player” option below.
Display Options
Style Options
* Some browsers and devices disable autoplay.** Viewer count is only visible while the webcast is live.
After setting your options, copy and paste the embed code below. The code changes based on your selections.