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Sermons by
Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church
Charlotte, North Carolina
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1,315 Sermons
Men and Women in WorshipMen and Women in Worship
Ben ThomasSept. 15, 20241 Timothy 2:8-15; Genesis 3:16-1934:18
God Reveals His GoodnessGod Reveals His Goodness
Dr. William BarcleySept. 15, 2024Exodus 34:1-938:13
With Liberty and Prayer for AllWith Liberty & Prayer for All
Will KeytonSept. 8, 20241 Timothy 2:1-735:17
Paul, Timothy and the ChurchPaul, Timothy and the Church
Ben ThomasAug. 4, 20241 Timothy 1:1-238:10
Why Leviathan Was Made to SportWhy Leviathan Was Made to Sp..
Rev. Dean TurbevilleJuly 14, 2024Psalm 104:24-2643:35