Foundations of American PresbyterianismFoundations
Matthew EzzellAug. 14, 202244:10 78
Into the 19th CenturyInto the 19th Century
Matthew EzzellSept. 18, 202245:18 86
North-South PolarizationNorth-South Polarization
Timothy HopperOct. 2, 202241:12 67
Civil War and Gilded AgeCivil War and Gilded Age
Timothy HopperOct. 10, 2022Civil War and Beyond44:42 69
The Debate Over Confessional RevisionThe Debate Over Confessional..
Timothy HopperOct. 16, 2022American Presbyterian History44:03 75
Mainline SplintersMainline Splinters
Matthew EzzellDec. 4, 2022Mainline Splinters43:41 61