9 - The Present Reality of Justification9 - Reality of Justification
Dr. Richard D. PhillipsOct. 15, 2017Galatians 2:15-2152:25 500
8 - The Just and Justifier8 - The Just and Justifier
Dr. Ligon DuncanOct. 15, 2017Romans 3:21-2831:57 812
7 - Second's 125th History7 - Second's 125th History
Melton L. DuncanOct. 15, 201747:59 545
6 - The Imputed Righteousness of Christ6 - Imputed Righteousness
Dr. Ligon DuncanOct. 14, 2017Romans 3:2839:13 1.1k
5 - Q and A5 - Q and A
Various SpeakersOct. 14, 201752:41 471
4 - Justification and the Contemporary Grace Movement4-Contemporary Grace Movement
Dr. Richard D. PhillipsOct. 14, 2017Hebrews 8:10-1252:22 797
3 - By Grace, Through Faith3 - By Grace, Through Faith
Dr. Harry ReederOct. 14, 2017Ephesians 2:1-1049:19 420
2 - Martin Luther's Gospel2 - Martin Luther's Gospel
Dr. Ligon DuncanOct. 13, 2017Romans 1:1733:28 862
1- Men in Ministry - Challenges to Church Leadership1- Men in Ministry
Dr. Richard D. PhillipsOct. 13, 201741:11 2.7k