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Sermons by

Meadow Creek Presbyterian Church

Greeneville, Tennessee

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The Wisdom of Psalm 1The Wisdom of Psalm 1
Chandler RowlenSept. 8, 2024Psalm 130:02 6
Jesus Discussion with a LawyerJesus Discussion with a Lawyer
Byron SnappSept. 8, 2024Luke 10:25-3743:06 2
Our Warrior ShepherdOur Warrior Shepherd
Richard SteeleSept. 1, 2024John 10; Psalm 23:534:28 11
Our Shepherd in the ValleyOur Shepherd in the Valley
Richard SteeleSept. 1, 2024John 10; Psalm 23:426:34 4
The Good Shepherd RestoresThe Good Shepherd Restores
Richard SteeleAug. 25, 2024John 10; Psalm 2339:46 18
The Good Shepherd and The Good LifeThe Good Shepherd and The Go..
Richard SteeleAug. 18, 2024John 10; Psalm 23:229:37 14
The I AM is My ShepherdThe I AM is My Shepherd
Richard SteeleAug. 18, 2024John 10; Psalm 23:143:22 17
Hear the PromisesHear the Promises
Richard SteeleAug. 11, 2024Deuteronomy 932:52 14
The Good Shepherd DiesThe Good Shepherd Dies
Richard SteeleAug. 11, 2024John 1046:51 7
Don't ForgetDon't Forget
Richard SteeleAug. 4, 2024Deuteronomy 841:57 10
Our Shepherd the GateOur Shepherd the Gate
Richard SteeleAug. 4, 2024John 1038:30 8
The Law and ReputationThe Law and Reputation
G. Brent BradleyJuly 28, 2024Exodus 2065:04 13
Law and WorshipLaw and Worship
G. Brent BradleyJuly 21, 2024Exodus 20:1-1755:20 20
Law and AuthorityLaw and Authority
G. Brent BradleyJuly 21, 2024Exodus 20:1-1743:41 4
Christ's Obedience and OursChrist's Obedience and Ours
Richard SteeleJuly 14, 2024Deuteronomy 835:21 18
The Battle for the Promised LandThe Battle for the Promised..
Richard SteeleJuly 7, 2024Deuteronomy 743:40 9
The Journey of BeliefThe Journey of Belief
Richard SteeleJuly 7, 2024John 941:45 5
God's Purpose in SufferingGod's Purpose in Suffering
Richard SteeleJune 30, 2024John 9:1-742:05 22
A Loving RelationshipA Loving Relationship
Richard SteeleJune 23, 2024Deuteronomy 742:31 13
The Identity of JesusThe Identity of Jesus
Richard SteeleJune 23, 2024John 847:17 16
God's Treasured PossessionGod's Treasured Possession
Richard SteeleJune 16, 2024Deuteronomy 731:26 16
Blaspheming JesusBlaspheming Jesus
Richard SteeleJune 16, 2024John 842:27 15
God's Electing LoveGod's Electing Love
Richard SteeleJune 9, 2024Deuteronomy 742:55 18
Your Father the DevilYour Father the Devil
Richard SteeleJune 9, 2024John 850:19 11