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Judas in Hell: the Dangers of False RepentanceDangers of False Repentance
Pastor Jeff PollardNov. 12, 2017Matthew 27:1-1075:29 542
The Blessing and Curse of the GospelBlessing and Curse of Gospel
Malamulo ChindongoNov. 11, 2017Acts 13:42-5248:27 186
Nauseating Your First LoveNauseating Your First Love
Pastor Jeff PollardNov. 11, 2017Revelation 3:14-2280:08 205
Leaving Your First LoveLeaving Your First Love
Pastor Jeff PollardNov. 11, 2017Revelation 2:1-768:23 205
Awakening That Lasted 117 YearsAwakening Lasted 117 Years
Scott T. BrownNov. 11, 2017Ezra59:23 196
The Glory and Beauty of Our First LoveGlory&Beauty of Our First Love
Pastor Jeff PollardNov. 10, 2017Revelation 1:1-1944:21 231
Why Christ Is Our First LoveWhy Christ Is Our First Love
Pastor Jeff PollardNov. 9, 2017Revelation 1:1-761:50 205
Rejecting the GospelRejecting the Gospel
Malamulo ChindongoNov. 9, 2017Acts 13:13-5254:11 168