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2024 Thanksgiving Eve Service2024 Thanksgiving Eve Service
Aaron LiraNov. 27, 2024Philippians 4:4-727:24 6
Gen #38: Growing PainsGen #38: Growing Pains
Aaron LiraNov. 25, 2024Genesis 29:31-30:2454:28 34
Gen #37: What Goes Around Comes AroundGen #37: What Goes Around Co..
Aaron LiraNov. 17, 2024Genesis 29:1-3052:33 59
Three Dying MenThree Dying Men
Phil LambooyOct. 27, 2024Luke 23:39-4333:07 27
The Chains of Works or the Robe of Faith?The Chains of Works or the R..
Jared DeanOct. 20, 2024Galatians 3:15-2948:59 84
Gen #32: The End Of An EraGen #32: The End Of An Era
Aaron LiraSept. 29, 2024Genesis 25:1-1848:01 38
Gen #31: The Pursuit of MarriageGen #31: The Pursuit of Marr..
Aaron LiraSept. 22, 2024Genesis 2453:27 26
Passing the Baton, and Being FirstPassing the Baton, and Being..
Phil LambooyAug. 25, 20242 Timothy 1:1-737:00 18
The Mercy and Justice of the LordThe Mercy and Justice of the..
Jared DeanAug. 18, 2024Exodus 34:1-948:45 19
Gen #25: The Tragedy of LotGen #25: The Tragedy of Lot
Aaron LiraJuly 28, 2024Genesis 19:30-3854:33 17
Gen #23: The Intercession Of A MediatorGen #23: The Intercession Of..
Aaron LiraJuly 14, 2024Genesis 18:16-3349:57 28
The Seeking GodThe Seeking God
Phil LambooyJune 16, 2024Luke 15:1-1033:00 22