Before Abraham was, I AMBefore Abraham was, I AM
Paul GibsonNov. 19, 2017John 8:31-5942:56 70
I AM the bread of lifeI AM the bread of life
Paul GibsonNov. 26, 2017John 6:1-5945:31 71
I AM the light of the worldI AM the light of the world
Paul GibsonDec. 3, 2017John 8:12-3042:30 62
I AM the doorI AM the door
Paul GibsonDec. 10, 2017John 10:1-1044:00 58
I AM the good shepherdI AM the good shepherd
Paul GibsonDec. 17, 2017John 10:1-2146:47 71
I AM the resurrectionI AM the resurrection
Paul GibsonDec. 24, 2017John 11:1-4450:44 62
I AM the true vineI AM the true vine
Paul GibsonJan. 14, 2018John 15:1-1749:34 60