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43 Sermons
Autism and the Church - Randy and Lisa's TestimonyRandy and Lisa's Testimony
Various SpeakersSept. 17, 2017Romans 14:1321:31

Adoption Class #20: Encouragement to Dads - Support your Wife, Parent as a TeamEncouragement to Dad, Husbands
Dean OrrAug. 27, 20171 Peter 3:7; Colossians 3:2151:02
Adoption Class #19: Lee & Laureen - our testimony and story of what we've learnedAdoption Story: Lee & Laureen
Various SpeakersAug. 20, 201757:20

Adoption is Spiritual War, Pt 2: Class Discussion (see separate Josh Mack audio)Adoption is Spiritual War Pt 2
Phil LaytonAug. 13, 201716:57

Adoption Class #18: Satan's Lies vs. Gospel Armor's Helmet of SalvationGospel Armor vs. Satan's Lies

Thoughts on Special Needs Kids and Video by John PiperSpecial Needs Parenting
Cliff PeppersJuly 16, 2017Hebrews 1118:57

Adoption Class #5. From Adoptee To Adoptive Father - A TestimonialFrom Adoptee to Adoptive Dad
Jason GreggMay 7, 20171 Peter 4:849:58

Adoption Parenting Class #4: Expectations and Gospel GraceAdoptive Parent Expectations
Voddie BauchamApril 30, 2017Luke 9:23; Luke 9:47-4854:41

Adoption Expectations and the CrossAdoption Expectations & Gospel
David WootenApril 30, 2017Matthew 16:22-2533:05

Adoption Parenting Class #3: God's Glory, Grace, and the Goal of ParentingWords to Adoptive Parents
Dr. John PiperApril 16, 2017Ephesians 1:5-6; James 5:9-1748:36

Adoption Parenting Seminar 1 - IBCD: Grace and Grit of AdoptionAdoption Parenting 1 - IBCD
Brian BorgmanJune 27, 201359:21