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528 Sermons
The Lord Jesus Christ was born to suffer (Sermon by Rev. R Schouten)The Lord Jesus Christ was bo..
Br. R. DykstraSept. 15, 2024Acts 4:23-31; Isaiah 5382:47
The Lord prepares a city for us (Sermon by Dr. John Smith)The Lord prepares a city for..
Br. A. BolhuisSept. 15, 2024Revelation 21; Revelation 21:1063:11
Believe in the gospel message about the holy conception and birth of Jesus ChristBelieve in the gospel messag..
Carl VermeulenSept. 8, 20241 John 4:1-6; Isaiah 9:1-769:15
See how Jesus feels! (Sermon by Rev. W. Bredenhof)See how Jesus feels! (Sermon..
Br. N. WagenaarSept. 8, 2024Isaiah 53; John 11:28-3759:44
Brothers and sisters of the only-begotten Son (Sermon by Dr. R. Bredenhof)Brothers and sisters of the..
Br. R. ZandmanSept. 1, 2024Colossians 1:15-23; Hebrews 260:37
The LORD assures his people with a covenant (Sermon by Rev. D. Poppe)The LORD assures his people..
Br. J. de VosSept. 1, 2024Genesis 15; Romans 473:00
Our Lord Jesus saves us from our sins and misery by transforming us into ChristiansOur Lord Jesus saves us from..
Rev. Richard EikelboomAug. 25, 2024Acts 1:1-11; Acts 17:1-970:10
The blessed life: relying on God and rejecting the worldThe blessed life: relying on..
Reverend Dirk PoppeAug. 25, 2024Genesis 14; Hebrews 7:1-1973:15
Full Salvation is found in Jesus aloneFull Salvation is found in J..
Rev A vanDeldenAug. 18, 2024Ephesians 2:1-10; Romans 5:1-1172:07
God uses misery in our lives to manifest His glory in usGod uses misery in our lives..
Rev A vanDeldenAug. 18, 2024John 991:02
Our Almighty and Wise Creator Completely Upholds and Governs all ThingsOur Almighty and Wise Creato..
Rev. Rodney den BoerAug. 11, 2024Genesis 45:1-13; Psalm 3366:56
God our Father created the heavens and the earth (Sermon by Rev. R. Bredenhof)God our Father created the h..
Br. J. den BoerAug. 4, 20241 Timothy 6:6-19; Psalm 3370:50
Jesus Christ is a very present help in times of trouble (sermon by Rev. R. Schouten)Jesus Christ is a very prese..
Br. R. DykstraAug. 4, 2024John 6:1-15; John 6:16-2174:41
Our Triune God - a shared covenantal mystery...Our Triune God - a shared co..
Rev A HaggJuly 28, 2024Psalm 105:1-10; Revelation 1:1-870:35
Foot-washing: A lesson for us allFoot-washing: A lesson for u..
Rev Dr Roger Dean AndersonJuly 28, 2024John 13:1-17; Luke 22:7-2777:18
God has provided one Saviour for sinners: Christ JesusGod has provided one Saviour..
Rev A vanDeldenJuly 21, 2024Genesis 6:11-22; Matthew 24:36-4481:30
God graciously preserves Asaph’s faith when he questioned God’s goodnessGod graciously preserves Asa..
Rev A vanDeldenJuly 21, 2024Psalm 7386:01
Believers, take heart because Jesus has overcome the worldBelievers, take heart becaus..
Wes BredenhofJuly 14, 2024John 16:25-33; Romans 8:18-3961:23
Should we question the almighty God’s wise purposes?Should we question the almig..
Wes BredenhofJuly 14, 2024Job 38:1-27; Job 42:1-678:34
The Gradual and Glorious Unveiling of Jesus Christ (Sermon by Rev. R. Bredenhof)The Gradual and Glorious Unv..
Br. A. BolhuisJuly 7, 20242 Corinthians 3:7-18; Hebrews 175:29
Blessed are the poor in spirit (Sermon by Rev. R. Bredenhof)Blessed are the poor in spir..
Br. W. SpykerJuly 7, 2024Matthew 5:3; Psalm 3469:37
Don’t be amongst the idolaters when the Warrior King appears (Sermon by W. Bredenhof)Don’t be amongst the idolate..
Br. N. WagenaarJune 30, 20242 Kings 10:18-27; Deuteronomy 1359:49
God announces to pilgrims that He makes all things new (Sermon by Rev. R. Aasman)God announces to pilgrims th..
Br. D PotJune 30, 2024Isaiah 65:17-25; Revelation 21:1-882:12
We can only be delivered through a full paymentWe can only be delivered thr..
Rev. Rodney den BoerJune 23, 2024Ezekiel 18:1-20; Romans 2:1-1164:47