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87 Sermons
Pt 2 Determining the Start of the Seventy-Week Prophecy of Daniel 9 - 75-Day Gap of DPt 2 Determining the Start o..
Robert CongdonAug. 30, 2024Daniel 9:2530:25
Pt 1 The Mysterious 75-day Gap Prophecy of Daniel 12Pt 1 The Mysterious 75-day G..
Robert CongdonAug. 12, 2024Daniel 7-1225:49
The Thrones of Eternity in the New Heaven and EarthThrones of Eternity
Robert CongdonJune 14, 2024Revelation 21-2234:15
Preparing the World for Christ's 1st Coming - Introduction to Inter-Testament SeriesPreparing the World for Christ
Robert CongdonMay 24, 2024Malachi21:44
Regeneration: What does it mean? Connecting the Dots Class 8Regeneration: What it means
Robert CongdonMay 9, 2024Matthew 19:2618:17
What does "kingdom" Really Mean in Col. 1:13? - Breakfast with RobWhat does "kingdom" Really M..
Robert CongdonApril 4, 2024Colossians 1:13-1417:18
The Importance of Jesus Christ's Genealogy - In the Fullness of Time: Pt 1 Spoken by Jesus Christ's Genealogy
Robert CongdonMarch 16, 2024Matthew 1-244:50
The Holy Spirit and Jesus' First Thirty Years - Breakfast with Rob #4The Holy Spirit and Jesus' F..
Robert CongdonJan. 19, 2024Luke 223:18
Holy Spirit & the Birth of Jesus ChristHoly Spirit & the Birth of J..
Robert CongdonDec. 22, 2023Luke 119:07
Learning to Use Online Bible Concordances - Pt 2 of the SeriesWhat is a Concordance?
Robert CongdonDec. 1, 202326:02
Who is the Holy Spirit? - A Bible & Breakfast with Rob 11-16-23Who is the Holy Spirit ?
Robert CongdonNov. 16, 202317:09
Why Study the Holy Spirit? - A Bible & Breakfast with RobWhy Study the Holy Spirit?..
Robert CongdonNov. 10, 202310:33
Prepare Ye The Way - Pt 3 Inter-Testament SeriesPrepare Ye The Way - pt 3
Robert CongdonNov. 3, 2023Malachi 3-431:37
Pt 1 Unlocking Your Bible through Literal-Historical-Grammatical Bible StudyLearning how to study Bible
Robert CongdonOct. 6, 202337:33
Just Before the 400-year Silence - Pt 2 Inter-Testament SeriesPt 2 Inter-Testament Series
Robert CongdonSept. 29, 2023Malachi20:28
Malachi - Just Before the Silence - Pt. 1 Inter-Testament SeriesMalachi - 400 Years of Silence
Robert CongdonAug. 25, 2023Malachi23:10
Part 2 - God's Progression of Earthly KIngdomsPart 2 - God's Progression o..
Robert CongdonJuly 28, 2023Daniel 2-831:32
The War is On! Will you Win or Lose the Spiritual Battle?The War is On!
Robert CongdonJune 6, 20232 Corinthians 10:1-639:59
God's Sovereignty as seen in Ezekiel 38 & 39God's Sovereignty as seen in..
Robert CongdonMay 18, 2023Ezekiel 38-3925:11
Daniel's Seventy Weeks - pt 2 - The Chronological Key to World HistoryDaniel's Seventy Weeks - pt..
Robert CongdonApril 28, 2023Daniel 9:24-2730:30
Daniel's Seventy Weeks - The Chronological Key to World History - pt. 1 of 2Daniel's Seventy Weeks
Robert CongdonApril 14, 2023Daniel 9:24-2731:40