The sanctity and dignity of lifeThe sanctity and dignity of..
Peter J GordonNov. 8, 2024Psalm 71:923:11 82
Jesus Knows the Hearts of MenJesus Knows the Hearts of Men
Peter J GordonOct. 29, 2024John 2:23-2531:46 44
Christ Cleansing the TempleChrist Cleansing the Temple
Peter J GordonOct. 1, 202437:05 104
Christian Submission to AuthorityChristian Submission to Auth..
Peter J GordonSept. 27, 2024Romans 13:1-527:56 65
The First of the Signs of Christ's GloryThe First of the Signs of Ch..
Peter J GordonAug. 27, 2024John 2:1-1135:36 243
Pursuing wisdomPursuing wisdom
Peter J GordonAug. 16, 2024Proverbs 2:1-527:49 65
Calling of Philip and NathanaelCalling of Philip and Nathan..
Peter J GordonJuly 30, 2024John 1:43-5146:18 52
Jesus Calls the First Disciples Jesus Calls the First Discip..
Peter J GordonJune 25, 2024John 1:35-4243:14 140
Jesus is the one and onlyJesus is the one and only
Peter J GordonMay 14, 2024John 1:29-3437:55 228
The Witness of John the BaptistThe Witness of John the Bapt..
Peter J GordonApril 9, 2024John 1:19-2839:59 108
Confidence in the finished work of Christ.Confidence in the finished w..
Peter J GordonMarch 29, 2024John 19:25-2722:23 77
The Word became Flesh. The Word became Flesh.
Peter J GordonMarch 19, 2024John 1:14-1836:06 59
The Light in the Darkness The Light in the Darkness
Peter J GordonFeb. 13, 2024John 1:4-1340:10 113
Your Glorious RewardsYour Glorious Rewards
Peter J GordonFeb. 2, 20242 Corinthians 5:1025:24 166
The WordThe Word
Peter J GordonJan. 9, 202435:10 87
Who is the family of Jesus?Who is the family of Jesus?
Peter J GordonNov. 10, 2023Mark 3:31-3523:17 197
Study on the GospelStudy on the Gospel
Peter J GordonOct. 5, 202351:58 56
Study on BaptismStudy on Baptism
Peter J GordonOct. 5, 202320:10 88
We are Fearfully and Wonderfully MadeWe are Fearfully and Wonderf..
Peter J GordonSept. 1, 2023Psalm 139:13-1619:34 179
Doubleminded Christians Doubleminded Christians
Peter J GordonJuly 30, 2023James 4:1-1035:19 190
Earthly Wisdom and Heavenly WisdomEarthly Wisdom and Heavenly..
Peter J GordonJune 16, 2023James 3:13-1820:35 185
ViZion's "I don't go to church" Testimony MeetingVizions Testimony Meeting
Peter J GordonApril 30, 2023Matthew 7:13-1421:37 177
The Power of the TongueThe Power of the Tongue
Peter J GordonMarch 10, 2023James 3:1-1227:21 236
Forgiveness with JehovahForgiveness with Jehovah
Peter J GordonJan. 13, 2023Psalm 13022:12 239